Environmental Policy

Thongwattana Waste Management Co., Ltd. is a company operating a private business. There are
objectives and goals to conduct commercial business. and storage services sewage transport or
unused materials, as well as industrial waste To be taken through various processes and methods in
the matter of reuse. Or through the process of treatment and disposal properly.

1. The company and all employees will develop and set an environmental management standard
system. To have the capacity to carry out various activities of the company to achieve the objectives
and goals, including continuous review and improvement. To prevent pollution and conserve the
natural environment to not cause impact.

2. The company and all employees will not violate and will comply with regulations and
requirements in environmental management as well as other laws related to the operations of the

3. The company and all employees must be honest, fair and have a sense of responsibility in carrying
out various activities. that does not cause pollution pollution and does not cause various impacts on
natural conditions and the environment

4. The company will disseminate the environmental policy to all employees and society. Listen to
opinions and suggestions from all parties to develop, improve, fix bugs. as well as giving great
cooperation in solving the social intellect around